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Photog Blog

A Nice STARt!

Shoot for the Stars

As some of you are aware, Eddie and I have been working hard on several side projects this year. From shooting my first wedding to a complete interior design of The Casita at Sun Cliff Resort in Sedona, Arizona.  While completing each project, we realized just how well our individual skill sets compliment the other. Eddie's education and experience in interior design and architecture combined with my education and experience in visual communication.  As we work on new projects there is a running joke about who is the designer and who is the assistant, both of us contributing our creative ideas, ebb and flow, lead and follow. This combination of skills led us to create emFORM Design Studio offering interior design, home staging, professional photography, and graphic design. (coming soon Eddie will also add licensed Realtor to his list of skills)

We have just started our website, facebook, instagram, and twitter..,bare with us as we seek to upload and fill these sites with all of our recent projects and adventures.  We decided to go live earlier than expected, as we want to blog as we take a trip to Sedona to make the final design decisions, set the furniture, and photograph The Casita at Sun Cliff Resort.

We hope you will follow us on our new adventures as we Shoot For The stars!

Thanks for all your continued support, it means so much to us :)


Mat BrownComment